Copied and pasted in all its glory. This guy was 1000% serious.

Uh huh. Keep telling yourself that. Keep talking shit about people you don’t know on the internet. It’s a nice safe thing to do. No one will beat the fuck out of you on the internet for running your fucking mouth. That’s why you retreat here to do it.

For the record, I’m not a homophobe. I don’t have any problem with a person’s sexual preferences and my dick is just fine. It gets me off every single time (I actually have a very satisfying monogamous sex life with a beautiful woman who also has no problem getting off, but just to make sure I am satisfying her I don’t let myself come until she has several times). Truth be told if I had the option I may add a little girth to it if I could but I don’t think it’s necessary and I certainly don’t lose sleep over it.

The question is what the fuck is wrong with a bitch like you that you come on to a social media sight and throw insults at large blocks of people and then act enraged when someone slings an offhand insult back at you? Fuck off man. Start going out in public and making your insults to people’s faces. Pathetic motherfucker